Dublin Airport is located about 6 miles north of Dublin’s city center, is well signposted on all major routes and is served by an excellent road network. Dublin Airport serves both international and domestic airlines and is the main airport in Ireland.
Flying time to Ireland is 6½ hours from New York, 7½ hours from Chicago, 10 hours from Los Angeles and approximately 1 hour from most British cities. Although there are no direct flights from Australia or New Zealand, connecting flight from Britain is easily arranged.
There is no rail link to the airport. An express bus links railway stations, Busaras (Dublin’s central bus station) and the city center. The Air Coach, which calls at city center hotels, is also a good option on arrival. A taxi to the city center from the airport is easy to arrange and should be metered.
Address & Contact
Our Address
Dublin AirportDublinIreland
53.42839147355778, -6.229482096142647