Welcome to The Blue Horizon B&B and Self Catering Accommodation Garrettstown Beach near Kinsale. When you stay at the Blue Horizon West Cork you will experience a real Irish holiday. If you want to just relax in our spacious bedrooms or surf the waves, walk the cliffs or play Golf at the Old Head, You can have it all at The Blue Horizon. Choose from Garrettstown Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering House to rent near Kinsale. The Blue Horizon Bed & Breakfast West Cork, is a family run B&B & Irish Pub with panoramic views of the Ocean. The Blue Horizon B&B is a large comfortable house with home style Bed & Breakfast Hospitality or Self Catering options.

Address & Contact

Our Address

Laherne HillGarrettstown Beach,Kinsale,


51.7058333, -8.52221008018